How to host a scientist or artist in exile?

You are:

  • a higher education and research institution under the aegis of the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation
  • an EESPIG-designated private higher education institution
  • an institution under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture.

Do you want to host an at-risk researcher or artist? Your hosting project can be co-funded by the PAUSE program.


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Who is eligible for the program?

Foreign researchers and artists from all geographical areas (outside the European Union) and disciplines are eligible if they meet all of the following criteria.

  • Provide evidence of doctoral student, researcher, research fellow or artist-teacher status in their country of origin;
  • Be in an urgent situation due to the security situation in their country of origin and/or persecution or fear of persecution on account of their ethnicity, religion, political convictions, opinions, sexual orientation, or the content of their research and/or teaching;
  • Be forced to go into exile from their country of origin or have left their country of origin less than three years ago.

Applicants must be 65 years of age or under at the time of application.

If you have identified an applicant who does not meet all of these criteria or who has special circumstances, please contact us :

How can we make contact with a scientist or artist in exile?

Votre établissement est volontaire pour accueillir un(e) scientifique ou artiste en danger mais vous n’êtes pas en contact avec un candidat potentiel ? Nous pouvons vous mettre en relation avec des candidats.

Votre établissement souhaite se porter volontaire pour accueillir un(e) scientifique ou artiste, merci de contacter directement l’équipe PAUSE.

Les scientifiques et artistes à la recherche d’un établissement d’accueil ayant candidaté au programme PAUSE ont été sélectionnés selon une procédure établie :

  • L’équipe PAUSE a vérifié que les critères d’éligibilité portant sur leur statut et leur situation d’urgence étaient remplis ;
  • Un comité de présélection a étudié leur candidature au regard des menaces, de leur profil scientifique ou artistique et de leurs opportunités en France.

Cette procédure offre des garanties supplémentaires aux établissements d’accueil et simplifie l’évaluation des dossiers de demandes de cofinancement. En effet, le comité ayant déjà statué sur les critères d’éligibilité des candidats, l’évaluation des candidatures déposées par ces établissements portera uniquement sur la qualité du projet d’accueil (adéquation avec le profil du candidat, mise en place d’un accompagnement socio-professionnel) et sur la proposition de budget.

How much funding is available?

The co-funding allocated depends on:

  • the status and experience of the applicant,
  • the provision of personal support arrangements at the host institution.

Funding levels:

  • up to 20,000 euros for doctoral students and research assistants (category 1).
  • up to 40,000 euros for postdoctoral researchers, lecturers, and research engineers (category 2).
  • up to 60,000 euros for university professors and research supervisors (category 3).

These funding categories do not apply to artist applications. The budget requested by the institution will be reviewed on the basis of the applicant's experience and the hosting project.

Funding is capped at 60 % of the total budget submitted by the institution.

How long does co-funding last?

Your project will be funded for a maximum of one year. We advise you to present a hosting project for a year, or for a minimum of at least six months.

Funding can be renewed once. Your institution will be required to submit an application for renewal. It will be evaluated on the basis of the progress of the research and results.

Funding may be available for a third year for doctoral students enrolled for the first year of their doctorate when their first application was submitted. The application will be evaluated on the basis of the progress of their research and the conclusions of the thesis supervisory committee at the host institution.
Due to COVID-19, host institutions can apply for additional co-funding for up to six months maximum. This may be awarded in exceptional circumstances (see below).

At the end of the hosting project, the beneficiary and host institution must submit a review report to the PAUSE program.

Calls for applications - Hosting institutions

Deadline for applications : September, 30 2022